Supporting employee wellbeing is a business imperative.

However, hiring a Chief Wellness Officer isn’t feasible for most small and medium companies. And yet that doesn’t mean that your commitment to employee wellbeing is any less important. That’s why I founded Executive Unschool, an employee wellbeing company designed to support business goals while providing individual transformation to enhance financial and emotional wellbeing. We understand the challenges faced by today's busy professionals.

With the demands of modern work environments, wellbeing is either an afterthought or it takes a back seat.

We bridge the critical gap in wellbeing services for executives and leaders.

We believe that wellbeing shouldn't be a luxury; it should be a fundamental aspect of every workplace. Our approach is centered around creating sustainable solutions that seamlessly integrate into the fabric of your organization. Through a combination of innovative strategies, personalized programming, and supportive fractional wellness officers, we empower leaders to prioritize their health and happiness without sacrificing productivity.

Executive Unschool Testimonials

  • "I think if you didn't invest [in Executive Unschool], you're losing out on a lot of talent, a lot of opportunity with the teams that you have, that you've built...If you really want to make a difference in your organization, you have to have this well-rounded approach of unlearning things that you've learned in your professional life, but also the wellness practices around it. Wellness is important and Executive Unschool is a must-have in organizations... And to me, there's no other program out there like it."

    Chief Strategy Officer

  • "I don’t say this lightly, what I’m learning through the work with you is (very literally) saving my quality of life. I can’t thank you enough for introducing this work and allowing us to participate in this journey. This is life changing."

    Chief Operating Officer

  • "Executive Unschooled solves the problem of breaking stereotypes about why women function as they do in a business setting and helps the participant understand themselves and why they function as they do, but more importantly how they can make changes without being pressed to do so in "traditional" ways (pressing themselves into a mold that wont' work for them or bring out their best)."

    Anonymous, C-Suite Executive

Work Wellbeing Solutions

  • Leaders who want to learn new ways of working can join an 8 to 10 week program to jump start inner wellbeing.

  • Custom solutions identified and developed to enhance the financial & emotional wellbeing of the organization and its leaders.

  • Development of an Advisory Board to support the strategic business goals, including the financial health and wellbeing of the organization.

  • Annual executive, department, and organization workshops to enhance cognitiv and character skills of leaders.

What Sets Our Wellbeing Solutions Apart

  • Client Customization

    We understand that every company and individual is different. That's why we work closely with each client to develop tailored wellness programs that address specific needs and goals.

  • Cutting-Edge Practices

    Our programs are rooted in the latest research and best practices in psychology, neuroscience, and organizational behavior, ensuring efficacy and sustainability. We integrate wellbeing practices in all our programs.

  • Work-Based Solutions

    We meet you where you are, embedding our services directly into your workplace to ensure maximum impact and convenience. Access our rich library of resources at your convenience.

Lead with Heart. Lead with Purpose. Contact Executive Unschool.

Lead with Heart. Lead with Purpose. Contact Executive Unschool.